The one I am most happy with on this page is the quick sketch of doc. It was just drawn remembering the shapes I copied earlier. That's the ultimate goal... to create my own drawings.

I'm not very happy with any of these drawings but here they are...

Basically, the part of these drawings that I loathe the most is the faces. They are all a little wonky. That and mulans SR hand. Monster-fist...

This was probably my most successful.

I have signed up for a life drawing class with Glen Vilppu that starts in January. Its a 5 1/2 hour class every tuesday and should hopefully get me on track with my goals.
Also, I signed up for another animation class with Alex Topete and Mike Polvani that will just be for 3 saturdays. I'm going to make the most of it this time and will hopefully have something to show for myself! Thanks for stopping by, assumed reader.
These are all really really great Michael. I would say to try taking one of these character, perhaps the rabbit from alice and wonderland and putting it in your own pose. It's a good way too see if you understood the construction.
Your underdrawing construction is rushed. That's what is causing the wonkiness in the clean up. Don't scribble. Really define the shapes and volume. Speed follows experience, not the other way around. Slow down and think out your construction to a higher level. As you do a dozen really solid deliberate drawings, you'll naturally start to speed up.
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